Heard em Say a visual telling of the song

the story of how the book came to be

Reading my Son Sam I am.jpg

so how did we get here ?

Our story starts 1 year ago, July 24th, 2020. logic just finished his listening party stream. we were all emotional wrecks for the most part. in particular, I was stuck on the last 2 songs on the album. those songs being heard em say and amen. amen felt like a final goodbye song because at the time it was, we all thought for the most part logic was done with the rap game because he had the best reason to stop. he had a family to take care of. on the bobby’s world channel a video was dropped by the name of “what an incredible journey”. that just got me reminiscing about my time as a fan, that being since 2014.

each day I’d listen to heard em say on loop because it was the song that evoked the most emotion out of me. come November I was getting more serious about my art and wanted to do a bigger project. i wanted to do something logic based and my mind immediately went to the songs of heard em say and amen so there was a chance there could’ve been an amen book instead. I got inspired by the line in the song “stackin money and readin my son sam I am, Love life cant tell you how much a fan I am .“I ran with the lyric and made a drawing in the Dr. Seuss art style. but then I thought why should I stop there.


little did i know that he’d have a copy

I sat at my desk and had a transcript of the song open in a google doc. I went through the song and broke it up into a suitable amount of lines per page spread and then started to think of fun illustrations I could do. I then added on top of those illustrations for those who were die-hard fans of logic. I spent the next few days learning the Seuss art style and then when I was ready, I spent the next 2 weeks making the page spreads. I decided to use the original image I made for the cover for the book as it was the most fitting considering it was the thing that started it all. I made 4 prototype copies of the book. I still hold on to 2 of them but the other 2 copies went to 2 of the most influential people. 1 copy went to Jose Fernandez as a thank you for his continued support. the other copy went to the man himself, logic. what a hell of a finish line am I right ? it doesn’t matter how it got to him the point is that it did. the man who helped unleash my creative mind was a recipient of the first passion project I’ve ever made.

and that brings us to today

with the 1 year anniversary of no pressure being here, and fans asking where they can get the book throughout the time since I showed I made the book. I decided it was time to unleash the book to the public. with a new cover inspired by the alternate cover for no pressure. so that’s the story of how the book came to be.

Heard Em Say Digital Download here